Pedagogy, mentoring and courses

I offer a variety of courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, in addition to an online course, Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa, that features my CIHA Blog colleagues. I try to foster a climate of mutual respect and mutual discovery in all of my courses, drawing inspiration from the insights of Paulo Freire, bell hooks, and various colleagues and students, on learning as well as teaching in community.  I’ve been honored to receive several mentoring awards, and enjoy helping my students figure out what kinds of questions drive their research interests and how to approach them.  


At the graduate (Ph.D.) level, I have taught a number of courses. Currently, I tend to cycle among the following:  Constructivism/Feminism in IR; Interpretive/Qualitative Methods; Religion and Secularism in IR;  and Global Humanitarianism and Its Critics.

At the undergraduate level, my courses include: Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa, Introduction to International Relations, Religion and World Politics, and International Humanitarianism (an upper-division writing course). 

I am happy to share syllabi, although I tend to revise them each time I teach a given course. Just contact me at