News / events



November 2022 Global Governance Forum – “Re-imagining Global Security and the Role of International Institutions in the 21st Century – “The nature of conflict and cooperation are changing fundamentally, as well as the understanding of what kind of adaptations in security policy would promote the wellbeing of sovereign states and the human collectivity, inclusively conceived. Particularly important is the desirability and feasibility of enhanced roles for international institutions, especially those within the UN System as framed by its Charter and evolution since 1945.” 

Event Information and Zoom link













Interpreting International Politics (ROUTLEDGE 2014)



2021 Wrestling with God Symposium at University of Notre Dame – “Wrestling with God: Ethical Precarity in Christianity and International Relations is a historically and thematically sweeping account of the role of Christian traditions in shaping the modern field of international relations. In it, Cecelia Lynch engages with the past in ways that make the arguments of previous theologians and political theorists available for thinking with in the present. By situating each of the interlocutors with whom she engages within their social and historical context, Lynch is able to show what constraints the contingencies of their day placed on their own arguments so that we might also recognize the contingency of our own claims today, and formulate ways to address them.

In this essay, Cecelia Lynch responds to each of the contributors to the symposium focusing especially on the themes of “staying with the trouble,” essentialism, and the possibilities and limits of decolonial visions for humanitarism in the future.”

Response to Wrestling with God Symposium



2020 at JLI Faith & Local Communities – “The 8th webinar in a series of webinars for the Religions, Humanitarianism, and Development Research Reading Group. Presentation by Cecelia Lynch, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, on her new book, “Wrestling with God: Ethical Precarity in Christianity and International Relations.” Response by Professor Alastair Ager, Director of the Institute of Global Health and Development at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.”



2014 at the University of California, Irvine – “The 2013-14 series continues on Wednesday, April 9, with Cecelia Lynch, political science professor in the School of Social Sciences. Professor Lynch works on religion and ethics in international affairs, social movements and civil society organizations, and interpretive/qualitative methods in social science research. She directs the International Studies program and leads the Institute for International, Global and Regional Studies. Recipient of UCI’s inaugural Living Our Values Award in 2007, Professor Lynch also has won numerous awards for her research and publications. She founded and co-edits, with colleagues in Africa and the U.S., the Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa blog.”